Centering Black Artists and Musical Traditions

Featuring a lineup of predominantly Black performers, showcasing the diversity and depth of Black folk music traditions. 

We’ll highlight the historical and cultural significance of Black folk music, emphasizing its connection to the broader spectrum of American music.

Educating and Engaging Audiences

Educational workshops and seminars on the history and evolution of Black folk music.

Exploration into the Black oral tradition of storytelling.

Engage audiences in meaningful dialogue with panel discussions and Q&A sessions.

Fostering Community and Connections

Create a welcoming and inclusive space for Black music enthusiasts, artists, and cultural practitioners to connect and celebrate.

Encourage collaboration and mentorship among BIPOC folk musicians, fostering the next generation of talent.

Provide opportunities for cultural exchange and understanding between diverse communities.

Promoting Black-Owned Businesses and Artisans

A bazaar showcasing products and services from Black-owned businesses, supporting the economic empowerment of Black communities.

Partner with local BIPOC-owned food vendors to provide authentic and diverse culinary experiences.

Collaborate with BIPOC artisans and craftspeople to offer unique and culturally significant merchandise.

Encouraging Ongoing Dialogueand Action

Spark conversations about the erasure of Black contributions and inspire actions to promote equity in the music industry.

Support initiatives that promote the preservation, documentation, and dissemination of Black folk music traditions.

Advocate for inclusivity and diversity in music education and programming.

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